Tuesday 17 January 2012

16/01/12 Chesterfield Town Centre

Well, after a long break of nearly 2 months, I started back on the walk.  Of course I had to pick the coldest day we have had here for a long time (it was so cold my camera stopped working twice).
For the first walk today I did Chesterfield town centre, concentrating on the area from Market Place Station to the viaduct at Horns Bridge
As can be expected of a modern redeveloped town centre area nothing is left of the original railway station although the Portland pub next door still stands.

Walking from there on towards the viaduct, I cross the dual carriageway where the points system to send the goods wagons to the goods yard was and from here you can see the site of the former Focus store, now torn down (I’m sure it lasted less time than the railway) and where the track used to run.

From looking at the OS maps, I’m pretty sure the railway ran over this bridge, (or this is a replacement) before the viaduct started carrying on towards Horns Bridge. 

The track runs pretty much where a new pathway runs, with superstores either side.  This is quite lucky as I didn’t fancy wandering through Toys R Us in order to find where the Viaduct used to cross, and considering it is on an industrial estate is something of a miracle. There is of course onlt one piece of the viaduct still standing.

From here the line carried on, skirting Hasland and onto Bolehill Tunnel (Duckmanton) Tunnel. 

This part of the  walk stopped here, as I wanted to get 2 in today.  The next part of this particular area will be from beyond the dual carriageway (not seen above, and what used to be the track of the G.C.R. Chesterfield Loop).

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