Friday 27 January 2012

19/01/12 Killamarsh To Clowne Part 3 (Into Clowne)

Distance Walked 0.75 Miles
Most of it was either on the old trackbed, or where it used to be.

This walk was a tale of two paths.  When I was scouting this last part of the Killamarsh to Clowne route my first thoughts were I would have to descend onto the railway from the bridge over it on Boughton lane, luckily this proved not to be the case.  But first the start, made at the Skate park where I finished part one of the walk. 
 The bridge and tunnel have long been filled in to make way for a Tesco car park, so this bit was quite easy, and although the trackbed has been built on up to Boughton Lane there was a track that ran parallel.

Once I had reached the road bridge it became clear that I couldn’t just clamber over, but whilst walking a little further down the road, there was a public footpath sign leading towards the trackbed over a field., So waving hello to the 2 horses munching on the grass I followed this and found myself eventually on the old trackbed a couple of hundred yards from where I wanted to be.

I made my way back towards the bridge and this was the first tale of a path, it was very marshy and I ended up wishing I had my wellies on as I trudged back to the bridge.
There I could see what I would have had to climb down to get here and it just wouldn’t have happened.
After a quick look at the blocked bridge, I turned round and made my way back to the public footpath entrance and from here to the Midland Rail line it was a normal everyday footpath, well worn but nice and dry.  Halfway to the line I spotted my first wild fox, too quick for a photograph unfortunately.  I finally managed to reach the bridge over the Midland Rail line (now also disused but with the rails still intact) and a view of the golf course I left on part 2 of this bit of the walk.

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